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Serving the Community Since 1928

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Want to know what is going on in your community?

Stay connected to Demarest PD!  Receive important information and updates through Nixle.

Residents can now receive important, official information directly from Demarest Police. Nixle is a Notification System to alert residents in real-time for localized emergency situations and relevant community advisories. Messages will be delivered by email, SMS text message, and over the web.

All Alerts will be targeted geographically, allowing residents to receive localized, relevant alerts from Demarest Police Department.  

As a resident, there are several simple ways to register:

  1. Text 07627 to 888777 from your mobile phone

  2. Go to and register 


Once registered, residents will receive a confirmation text to their mobile device. Residents may also customize their alert settings by going to and creating a User Profile.


New Jersey Attorney General Immigrant Trust Directive

Per Directive 2018-06, links to assist nonimmigrants with temporary U and T visas can be found here:

T and U visa assistance

Notification of State required early warning system for use of force reporting.

In accordance with the New Jersey Attorney Generals Office 2018 requirement that all law enforcement agencies must employ an early warning system to track use of force reports and ensure an early warning system, the Demarest Police Department has in place, an early warning system. The system allows the department to document and track use of force reports and review them for policy compliance, ensuring the public that all officers act within the guidelines of state law at all times. You can review the NJ Attorney General’s requirements here: NJ Attorney General Use of Force Early Warning System Directive

Notification of State required drug testing policy for law enforcement

In accordance with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Drug Testing Policy and the New Jersey Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Directive No. 2018-2, this is official and required notification that the Demarest Police Department, has a drug testing policy in place. To read more about the policy click here, 2018-21 Drug Testing Policy


Uniformed police officers within the Demarest Police Department utilize Digital Ally body worn cameras (See pictures above). Body worn cameras are a valuable asset intended to document evidence, witness/suspect statements and improve officer safety. The use of body worn cameras is also used to gain the public's trust and prevent/resolve citizen complaints.

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