To register a new bicycle with the Demarest Police Department please fill out the form below.
Bicycle Safety Tips
Remember, a bicycle is not a toy; it is a vehicle!
Always wear a properly fitted helmet when riding a bicycle.
Check your equipment.
Ensure tires are inflated and brakes are working correctly.
Control your bicycle.
When riding, make sure at least one hand in on the handlebars.
Watch and avoid any road hazards.
Potholes, broken glass, gravel, puddles and dogs can all lead to a crash and cause injury.
See and be seen.
Always make sure to be wearing bright, neon, or fluorescent colors when riding; day or night!
Wearing reflective tape or having a flashing light on your bicycle can help ensure a car does not hit you.
Try to avoid riding at night; it is far more dangerous to ride at night than it is during the day.
Rules of the Road - Bicycling on the Road
Always go with the flow of traffic.
Ride in the same direction as other vehicles.
Obey all traffic laws.
When riding in the street, obey all traffic signs and signals.
Stay alert at all times.
Use your eyes and ears! Always be on the lookout for anything that can cause injury; whether it is other vehicles or road hazards.
Look before you turn.
Whether you turn right or left, look behind for a break in traffic and then signal your turn.
Watch for parked cars.
Avoid the unexpected from parked cars (doors opening or cars pulling out).
Riding on a Sidewalk
Children less then 10 years old are better off riding on the sidewalk.
For anyone riding on a sidewalk:
Check the law in your state or jurisdiction to make sure sidewalk riding is allowed.
watch for vehicles coming out of or turning into a driveway.
Always stop at a sidewalk corner before crossing.
Please watch the two informational videos below for more safety tips. For any questions please contact Patrolman Dickman at 201-768-1546 ext 160 or email [email protected].